Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Priest and a Rabbi were in a bar....

Let me start by saying, this is just my luck....
Originally, I had a lunch date today with a gentleman that I met from match.com, but unfortunately (not really because I had absolutely no desire to go on a date with him and had been dreading it the whole day) he cancelled the date. - I also never heard from him again. Ha!
Anyway, since my date ditched me, I decided to go with the girls from my work to my favorite restaurant known to man, Chelino's. Yes, I am a HUGE fan of Mexican food. I could probably bathe in salsa and queso. It's pretty much the best stuff ever. But all of that is beside the point.
Back to my story....
I went with the girls to fill my tummy with yummy goodness, and when I sat down, I looked over and noticed an extremely attractive brunette man with gorgeous blue eyes. He had a beard, though, which I typically wouldn't find attractive, but the rest of him was stunning, so I looked past the beard. Plus, I'm not going to lie, the beard was pretty rugged and manly. As I noticed him, he also noticed me. We played the whole "eye flirting" game for QUITE some time. Since the gentleman was sitting on the opposite side of the table, there was a person in front of him blocking any vision I would have of his wardrobe. Not that I cared what he was wearing. He could be wearing a burlap sack and he'd still be gorgeous.
Throughout my meal, this rugged, stunningly attractive man and I probably made eye contact AT LEAST thirty or more times. It was completely obvious that we both found each other equally attractive.
By the end of the meal, I was convinced I would say something to him. I mean, how could I let such a lovely man like that get away? I couldn't. That's what I convinced myself, anyway. Who knew what I would say, but I was going to say something.
As soon as I found the courage, I stood up - at this point, I had a full view of what he was wearing, and I about fainted. "Oh, no", I thought to myself, "I am definitely going to hell".
The extremely gorgeous brunette man that I was undressing with my eyes........
Yes, you heard me, a Priest.
This entire time, I have been eye flirting with a Priest.
I am definitely going to hell.
I have caused a holy man to sin.
More than likely, this man is a virgin.
What have I done.
A Priest.
God, help me.

Bottom line, my search for my perfect man continues.

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