Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not for the Shallow

Recently, I decided it was a good idea to join an online dating website.
Don't ask me why, because I have tried it before, and it failed miserably. Like, it was hor-ri-ble.
However, the one I chose to join before was free, so I figured if I joined one that actually cost money, it would have a different variety of men to choose from. Boy, was I right. It did, in fact, have a different variety of men to choose from. BUUUUTTTT, this variety is NOT the one I was looking for.
Let me just say, eHarmony is NOT for the shallow. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of depth when it comes to the core of a person, but as far as the outer appearance, I am as shallow as they come.
People have their own opinion of me regarding this, but I'm just going to say, I don't think there is anything wrong with me wanting a man that has good teeth, isn't forty pounds over weight, and still has hair.
Now, if I were sixty years old and my significant other had a receding hairline or a bald spot, then okay, that's understandable. But at 25 years old? No thank you. I want my man to have as much hair as possible. Like, full head of luscious locks. Please and thank you.
First and foremost, I need to be sexually attracted to a man. In all seriousness, who dates someone they don't find attractive? No. One. That's who.
I am perfectly aware that some people become more attractive once you get to know them, but if I'm on a dating website, that's pretty much the first thing I have to go by, physical appearance. I have no interest in men who look like they haven't showered in days or who could have possibly had a quarter pounder, large fries, an extra large Dr. Pepper, and a hot fudge Sunday for lunch, with a side of pizza and ranch.
Call me whatever you want to call me, I don't care.
I like my men hot. Period.
Channing Tatum look-alike please.