Friday, June 15, 2012

Too Good to be Single?

AAAALLLL. TTTHHHHEEE. TTTTIIIIMMMMEEE. I am hearing men say, "You're single? But you seem so cool!". Ummm... so, wait... there's an unwritten rule somewhere that states, "If you are a freaking bad ass, you must be in a relationship"?? No, there isn't. But, if you were to go look, you miiight find something that says, "Because you are so freaking bad ass, you're single".

Do you know why this is? It's because women, like me, don't settle. We won't be with someone just because we are lonely and they give us the slightest bit of attention. 
We search for true connections. We don't just focus on how we feel today or what we will feel tomorrow. We take our relationship status very serious.

I rather wait fifteen years for a man than be stuck with someone who doesn't respect me or provide me with what I need. I used to wonder why it was so hard for me to find a man, then my best friend brought it to my attention that it's because I am a logical thinker. I don't act emotionally like most women. I speak emotionally all the time, but as far as ACTING emotionally... I would say, I do not do that. I will analyze any situation before I make a decision. I take a step back and look at it from all sides. Granted, I have probably missed out on some great guys like this, because I probably OVER analyzed. Buuuuuut, it is what it is, and it will all pay off in the end.

Funny Confession Ecard: I think, therefore I'm single.

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