Friday, June 15, 2012

Forever and Always

I have always longed to love and be loved.
Ever since I can possibly remember, I have dreamt of finding the perfect man. 
You know, the one who will tell you you're beautiful - even though you know you really look like complete hell, the one who will put you in line when you need it - because who wants a man they can walk all over?, and that man who no matter how crazy you may act at times, you know they love you just for being you.

Umm, yea! I don't think they make those anymore. When you're a child, you think you will just wake up one day and your Prince Charming will be waiting for you outside, and the two of you will skip off into the sunset to live happily ever after.

If you are still believing that, it's time to wake up and realize, there are no roses to be smelt. The only thing to be smelt is the lingering odor of the hairy, bald man who just walked by you, who you are preeetttyy sure just crop dusted you......

This blog is to let everyone, who is not single and the few of you that are, know what dating life is reeeaaally like. It's not all about free drinks, free food, and a giggly time with a Channing Tatum look alike. Nope, it's about countless disastrous dates that leave you shaking your head and wanting a shower.

 Me, in particular, well... I've had horrible luck since my very first male encounter. I won't share every story with you today, but trust me... you'll have the lovely opportunity to get a play by play of the majority of my dead end relationships. Don't worry, you'll absolutely enjoy them.

So, ladies and gentlemen, here's to being single!

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